The Lord Is at Hand!
A person who reads the news knows something of what’s going on, even if facts are distorted, but those who study the Bible know WHY the world is unraveling! In [...]
A person who reads the news knows something of what’s going on, even if facts are distorted, but those who study the Bible know WHY the world is unraveling! In [...]
Who is the Woman of Revelation 12? Is she Mary? The Church or Israel? The Bible makes the answer clear and it has everything to do with Bible prophecy being [...] When evil is being called good and good evil, our call to the ramparts as watchmen has never been more vital. Christine Darg describes 8 characteristics of the watchmen [...] Many fight against God by not understanding the times and not understanding Bible prophecy concerning the regathering of Israel. There will be no time to get ready when the Lord returns. We must already BE ready. Meanwhile, keep up with End-time Bible prophecy through Christine Darg's Jerusalem Channel [...] We’re going to tell you the world’s future as God has revealed it. Thankfully Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg says an entire book in the Bible is devoted to [...]
Due to unprecedented depths of deception in the Last Days, deep discernment is necessary for survival, says JerusalemChannel presenter Christine Darg.
Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg challenges viewers to take stock of the latest Bible prophecy update with signs of the times ranging from nuclear threats and the Doomsday Clock, climate [...]
Join Peter & Christine Darg and Jerusalem Channel in Israel for the convergence of Passover and Holy Week. For details of the ground package itinerary, visit the events page of [...]
Jesus received more criticism for healing people on the Sabbath than any other issue ... a fascinating and provocative teaching by Christine Darg in Israel. Faith is always now!