My Succa Is Your Succa: Meditations of the Heart #17
Christine Darg shares a Feast of Tabernacles unlike any in the past! Biblical Tabernacle with altar and Jewish tent camp (iStock)
Christine Darg shares a Feast of Tabernacles unlike any in the past! Biblical Tabernacle with altar and Jewish tent camp (iStock)
Christine Darg interviews Oxford Bible Church pastor and author Derek Walker about the Rapture of the Church, "Our Blessed Hope," and Derek answers objections to the pre-Tribulation viewpoint. This interview [...]
Christine Darg believes we are experiencing a "selah" moment to prepare for the Lord's imminent return. We needed a reality check, a selah moment, to stop and to ask ourselves [...]
If the Messiah came today, would people recognise him? Or do you believe, like I do, that the coming of the Messiah will be the return of Jesus, and it [...]
The world is moving exponentially toward developing technology to mark, identify and encode individuals. In this Bible prophecy update Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg says Bible prophecy written about 2000 [...]