Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11? In this short teaching, Christine Darg looks at some intriguing clues as she allows the Bible to be its own commentary. Many scholars agree on Elijah as one of the Witnesses, but opinions are divided on the others. Christine is not dogmatic but makes an interesting case for Moses.
Yes! I love that you point out “without television, how would the world be able to see”? Television and technology is the fulfillment of Daniel 12:4 and Matt 24:14 and so much of the Church is sleeping through the truth of this fact. What a glorious day we’re living in! Bless you, Christine, for sharing truth always with us.
Love your video and you give a great argument for Moses being the 2nd witness of Revelation 11. If it is true and only the event itself will reveal it then I guess what we will have is that Enoch will end up being the only man ever to have never died, he go on into eternity has still never have died. WHich God can do as He pleases but how would you explain the scripture you quoted, that it is appointed unto all men once to die? I guess Enoch will end up being the exception. Anyway great video.
So she is saying the Bible is wrong then? Didnt Moses die and God buried Him? If so how can one of the witnesses be Moses?
Who are the only 2 humans who still owe a death? Elijah and Enoch!!!!
Last when the two appeared with Jesus they were TRANSFIGURED along with Jesus. Moses is is Heaven with God, His spirit is, so in order to be seen like that He had to be TRANSFIGURED. Read the Hebrew and Greek Concordance please to understand their language meaning, not our English because you will be surprised how our English totally differs in meaning from many things in Hebrew and even Greek!!!!
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. So much for the idea that all must die. The two witnesses are NOT two individuals. They are the two lamp stands and the two olive trees.