Many mysteries are being unsealed in the Last Days, and we’re in a special countdown window between Passover and Pentecost. These are days of destiny, and Christine Darg gives a clarion call to recover ALL we’ve lost to the enemy!
Many mysteries are being unsealed in the Last Days, and we’re in a special countdown window between Passover and Pentecost. These are days of destiny, and Christine Darg gives a clarion call to recover ALL we’ve lost to the enemy!
Excellent teaching and encouragement – as usual.
Thank you from Christine!
Once again a precious and encouraging word from Christine. What a timely message for today to encourage us in isolation. Maranatha! Even so come Lord Jesus.
Thanks from Christine
Thankyou confirms a lot of things
Blessings from CD
I continue to thank God for your life and ministry. This message is a timely revelation. It’s time to recover all indeed
Thank you
As always christine gives the woed clear and full…let us digest and believe…..yshua is !!! hallelu !!!!!1