We have entered the season of the Lord’s return and the signs are falling place like dominoes! Christine Darg says it is most urgent to understand the times!
We have entered the season of the Lord’s return and the signs are falling place like dominoes! Christine Darg says it is most urgent to understand the times!
Amen, come Lord Jesus come
And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.
–Hebrews 9:27
We are so Blessed to be called his. Lord we Praise your Holy name. Jesus Our Messiah.
❤🕊Maranatha 🕊❤
So appreciating Christine’s consistent strength of conviction on these things……a quality of Gods wonderful unchanging nature. You’re a tonic plus!
Thanks, you refresh my heart in the Lord!
Hi Sister Christine, Shalom, when Jesus Christ said “And when these things BEGIN to take place, ‘Stand Up and and Lift up your heads because your redemption is near!” (Luke 21:28) This Awesome, Dumbfounding and Jaws dropping or World Shattering Event is the Gathering (Greek: Episynago) and Rapture (Greek: G726 Harpazo) of the Earthly Surviving Christians aka “the Rest of the Seed” (Rev 12:17) aka the Tribulation Saints which will occur ON THE SAME DAY AS or AT the Glorious, Visible and Audible “Coming” (Greek: Parousia or Latin: Adventus = Advent in English) of Jesus Christ FOR the Elect (the Christians Harvest them as the Good Autumn Wheat to His Barn in Heaven) They are NOT the Gathering of the Dispersed Jews back to the Land of Israel as many 7 Years Pretribbers have wrongly assumed which is AT the END of the Tribulation Period when Christ Descends and Touchdown on the Earth on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem) . The DAY OF THE LORD’S WRATH will START ON THE VERY SAME DAY AS THE REMNANT Christian Church “who are the STILL ALIVE and ARE REMAINING AROUND ONES (Greek Present Plural Participle: “Perileipomenoi from the preposition “PERI=AROUND” and the Verb: “LEIPO = TO FORSAKE, ABANDON or LEAVE BEHIND, hence THE LEFT AROUND or SURVIVING ONES on the earth!” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18) which is also AT the Coming (Greek: Parousia, Latin: Adventus or Advent in English) of Jesus Christ AS IT WAS in the Days of Noah and of Lot ON ThE VERY SAME DAY, they were Rescued or Evacuated. (Matthew 24:36 -41. Therefore Christ commanded us Believers to WATCH AT THAT TIME because we do not know on what day or hour our LORD will come which is when ONE IS TAKEN (Greek:Paralambano from the Preposition ,” PARA=ALONGSIDE and the Verb: “LAMBANO =RECEIVED”, therefore TAKEN ALONGSIDE Him in the Clouds to Heaven and another (Greek: Heteros =Another but of a Different Kind, an Unsaved Unbeliever) IS LEFT BEHIND on the Earth for THE DAY OF THE LORD’S WRATH..
Please read CAREFULLY the proper context of this “Coming” (Parousia or Advent Event of Christ) in Matthew 24: 29. It is IMMEDIATELY AFTER the GREAT TRIBULATION (i.e “POST -TRIBULATIONEM MAGNA” in Latin) or AFTER the Unprecedented, Unparalled and No, Nor Ever shall happen again, hence THE GREATEST Persecutions and Martyrdom of the Saints EVER = (5th Seal) OF THOSE DAYS by the Antichrist and ALL the nations of the earth “HAD BEEN CUT SHORT” and AFTER the Great Cosmic Signs of Darkened Sun, Dimmed or Blood Moon, Falling Stars (Asteroids or Meteorites)= (6th Seal) but BEFORE the 7th Seal is opened and the Day of the LORD’S WRATH comprising of 7 Angelic Trumpets Start to Blast OR 7 Angelic Bowls Starts to fall or be poured out n the Wicked Earth Dwellers who worship the RED ANTICHRIST BEAST or take his name, or the Number 666 or the mark on their right hands or foreheads. Please see my EndTime Chart in my Youtube channel for more details about the Symbolic “Manchild” of Rev12:5 aka the PRETRIB RAPTURED (Latin: RAPTUS or Greek G726 HARPAZO Church Age or Era Saints who will be Quickly SNATCHED UP (Latin: Veloci-RAPTUS) to GOD AND TO HIS THRONE in Heaven BEFORE a Seal is Opened and a Trumpet is Blown OR a Bowl of the Seven Last Plagues is Poured out on the Earth or in other words “PRETRIB!” EARLY in the Spring.
God Bless!
Amen! Very powerful message! Just what we needed to hear today. We agree wholeheartedly. But many around us this week talk about plans for long in the future of which we do not agree. We are waiting for our Messiah. Come Yeshua come quickly!
Thank you, stay strong!
kol tuv etc ……..
AMEN come Lord Jesus Christ