- Praise: With the mess Israel finds itself in – internal political strife, riots and renewed conflict with Hamas on the Gaza border, Iranian threats and an America that is stabbing its Middle East allies in the back while appeasing their enemies, we need to recall who actually reigns over this nation, the Middle East and the world. It is in knowing for certain that our God reigns that we can pray in faith for His will to be done on earth as it is already being done in heaven.
- Yeshua, we know and proclaim that You are Lord of all (Acts 9:36).
- You are King of kings and Lord of lords and You rule forever (1 Tim. 6:15-16; Rev. 19:16).
- Hallelujah! All authority in heaven and on earth is already in Your hands (Matt. 28:18).
- You control all of nature and every king’s heart is in Your hands (Psa. 99:1-3; Prov. 21:1).
- Praise God that there is no panic in heaven over what man does or does not do (Psa. 11:4).
- Thank You for Your victory over Satan and death by Your death and resurrection (Heb. 2:14-15).
- We bless You that Your ways are more righteous, just and higher than man’s ways (Isa. 55:8-9).
- In these confusing times, we trust that as Your sheep we will hear Your voice (John 10:3-4, 27).
- We rest securely knowing that You have the power to both redeem and to sustain us (Deut. 29:5)
- We declare that Your kingdom rules over all, including over Ramadan (Psa. 103:19).
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him that brings good news, that publishes peace… that publishes salvation; that says unto Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’Isa. 52:7
Just in: Last night, during a massive celebration by ultra-Orthodox of Lag B’Omer on Mount Merom in northern Israel, there was a stampede which left more than 40 people dead and many more injured. Please pray for the survivors, the families of the dead and for the recovering of the injured. Also ask God to use this grave tragedy to open their eyes to the real Messiah – Yeshua.
- Riots, rockets & Ramadan: Ramadan, Islam’s holy month, has proven to be once again a very violent time in Israel. There were riots in many areas including Jerusalem and Jaffa, and terrorists in Gaza shot dozens of rockets into Israel. There were calls for another intifada and even some Israeli Arabs – including a few of their elected leaders – were calling for the violence to increase.
- Thank You for Israel’s restraint but do not allow it to go beyond Your guidelines (Psa. 12:8).
- Bless, anoint and direct all of Israel’s security forces to aim for victory over lawlessness (Mic. 5:9).
- Impart Your strategy to Israel’s security forces and the political leadership (Prov. 20:18).
- Remove all political consideration from those who need to make decisions at this time (Jam. 1:8).
- Enable the security forces to be quick to execute judgment on evil works and people (Eccl. 8:11).
- Let Israel’s response to rocket fire from Gaza aimed at Israeli civilians be so totally disproportionate that the terrorists in Gaza are overwhelmed by the fear of You, Israel’s God (2 Chr. 17:10).
- Prevent the shedding of innocent blood – Jewish or Arab – in Your land (Deut. 19:10).
- Deal with all organizers of violence, whether they be Arab or Jewish ringleaders (Prov. 1:10-19).
- Confound all social media users who spread lies and incitement against the nation of Israel and against the Jewish people globally (Psa. 129:5).
- Guard Israel’s soldiers from any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual harm (Psa. 140:7).
- Thank You for the Iron Dome and all of Israel’s other breakthroughs in weaponry (Isa. 41:15-16).
- Deploy Your angels to protect Your nation at all times (2 Kin. 6:16-17).
- Palestinian Authority [PA] President Abbas has used Israel’s refusal to allow Arabs in Jerusalem to vote as an excuse to cancel their May 22 national elections. Yet most of the other political parties do not agree with this. Hamas, which stands a good chance of winning the elections, have threatened their Palestinians “brothers” in Judea and Samaria, yet we expect that all anger will be directed at Israel as their favorite scapegoat.
- Lord, we condemn all lying Palestinian tongues that accuse Israel before the world (Isa. 54:17).
- Do not allow Israel to give in to pressure from the world, especially the EU, when it comes to defending its right to rule over its eternal capital of Jerusalem (Neh. 2:20).
- Since you reign, we thank You for cancelling these elections (Psa. 96:10).
- Let the anger at the cancellation be focused against Abbas and Fatah and not at Israel.
- Use this frustration and anger to bring down the arrogant PA (Jer. 49:16).
- Show Israel if it is time to reclaim Judea and Samaria as its God-given inheritance (Obad. 1:17-20).
- Protect Jerusalem, especially on Fridays after Muslim prayer on the Temple Mount, during the final two weeks of Ramadan (Isa. 31:5).
- Lord, suddenly and dramatically, remove all the Arab politicians in Israel’s parliament who were screaming for more violence and bloodshed against the “Israeli occupation” (Isa. 49:26; Jer. 30:20).
- The Iranian regime is playing mind games with most nations. And since the Persians invented chess, they are very good at this – threatening to get what they want; telling lies about other nations politicians; boasting of having much more dangerous weapons that they actually possess; seeing how far they can push America and its navy in the Persian Gulf, etc. Meanwhile their people are in dire straits while the regime uses most of its funds for armaments and to boast their global proxies.
- Lord, regardless of what the headlines say or what is happening in the negotiations between America and Iran, we proclaim You as Lord over it all (Psa. 33:10-11).
- Please make sure that Israel knows exactly what is happening in these negotiations (Job 12:22).
- Use the Biden administration’s apparent desire to appease Iran to push forward the process of cutting off all unhealthy and dangerous ties and dependences that Israel has with America (Isa. 31:1-3).
- Use America’s appeasement towards Iran to draw Israel and moderate Arab nations closer together.
- Bring division between Russia and Iran and China and Iran (Psa. 2:1-6; 55:9).
- Cut off all of Iran’s funds to its terrorist proxies surrounding Israel (Psa. 83:9-16).
- Thank You for being Israel’s shield and its defense at this time in history (Deut. 33:29).
- In the midst of Israel’s political chaos, we stand in the gap, asking You to guide Israel’s political and military leaders to know what to do and not do regarding the current Iranian threat (Psa. 143:8-9).
- Protect all of Israel’s intelligence gathering resources – human or otherwise (Psa. 139:12; Obad. 1:6).
- Provide the IDF’s Iran Command Division with everything it needs to develop strategy and tactics to protect Israel from all Iranian attacks and plots (Prov. 21:31).
- Increase the animosity between the Iranian leadership and its people (Psa. 35:26).
- Enable the movement by Iranians, inside and outside of their nation, to remove the current Iranian regime and to set that nation free from its Shi’ite overlords have great success (Jer. 49:37-38).
- Salvation over Ramadan: This is always the best way to gain victory over God’s enemies – by seeing them become part of His, and our,in family.
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them that despitefully use and persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.Matt. 5:44-45
- Lord, only in Your saving power will peace and righteousness come to Israel, so we pray for many Palestinian Muslims to be saved during the remainder of Ramadan (Isa. 32:17-18).
- Let all the gospel seeds sown in Islamic hearts bear fruit at this time (1 Cor. 3:6).
- Send dreams and visions of Yeshua to Muslims throughout the world (Rev. 1:12-18).
- As radical Muslims recall how often their god has failed against Israel, let them be ashamed, turn away from Allah and find You (Psa. 83:16).
- For Muslims who are dedicated to their god, open their eyes that there is no personal relationship to be had with that spiritual entity and to desire a true relationship with the One True God (John 14:6).
- May every new ex-Muslim believer know that the Allah in the Koran is not the same God as the Allah [the Arabic word for God] in the Bible (Isa. 43:10).
- Protect all ex-Muslim believers and use their testimonies for Your glory (Mark. 5:18-20).
- Open up doors for ex-Muslim believers to be able to provoke Jews to jealousy (Rom. 11:11).
- Security in general: We prayed for Israel’s security challenges as they keep morphing into something new and more dangerous. Yet God has not brought Israel home to see it destroyed.
Hear the word of YHWH, you gentiles, and declare it in the lands far off, saying, ‘He that scattered Israel will gather him, and guard him, as a shepherd does his flock’.Jer. 31:10
- With the increase in technological methods of intelligence gathering and the amount of information gathered, place Your anointing on all who are responsible to analyze this data (Psa. 36:9).
- Protect Israel’s intelligence analysts from “information overload” and disinformation (Dan. 7:25b).
- Guard over Israel’s civilian infrastructure and all IDF weapons systems and facilities against any EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) attacks (Psa. 91:1-13).
- Also, Lord, please improve the level of protection against cyberattacks in all these areas.
- We thank You for the IDF and its weapons systems, but we ask You to show Israel that is cannot rely on its own horses and chariots – but only upon You (Psa. 20:7).
- We ask the same for Israeli leaders when it comes to trusting in other nations (Psa. 118:8-9).
- Guide the government and IDF with wisdom and discretion to know who to share intelligence with and what is safe and right to share (Prov. 17:28; Isa. 39:1-7).
- Help Israel’s civilians with all preparations needed for any upcoming conflicts (Prov. 30:25-26).
- New government formation: It looks hopeless for Bibi Netanyahu to put together a coalition. The anti-Bibi groups – from the left and right – are trying to present President Rivlin with a ready-to-go government next week. But if Naftali Bennett becomes the new prime minister of this “coalition for change”, he will find himself having to compromise just about everything he has stood for.
- Lord Yeshua, we trust that the government is ultimately upon Your shoulders (Isa. 9:6).
- Lord, watch over this verse to fulfill it quickly:
Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment.
(Isa. 32:1) - May all of Israel’s egotistical politicians come to acknowledge Your right to rule as the King over Your nation (Isa. 33:22).
- We ask for Your chosen leader to arise in Israel at this time (Dan. 5:21b).
- Concerning the joining of right-wing Israeli parties with left-wing parties with the goal to remove Bibi, we ask,
…what fellowship has…light with darkness?
(2 Cor. 6:14b) - Do not allow the right-wing parties become traitors to all those who voted for them by joining in a government that is anti-biblical and humanistic in its thinking and plans for Israel (Prov. 11:21; 16:5).
- Heal the personal offenses that have blinded so many of Israel’s politicians (Prov. 10:12; 18:19).
- Set Netanyahu free from panic and if it is his time to leave politics, let it be done in a way that does not erase all the good that he has done for this nation.
- As long as Bibi remains as prime minister, use him to fight for what is best for Israel and not for what is best for himself (Psa. 44:4).
- Benny Gantz has just been appointed Justice Minister. Lord, guard over him so that he does not legislate anything that interferes with Your restoration of this land, nation and people (Prov. 16:9).
- Shift Bennet’s priorities from grasping to be prime minister, and turn him back to his right-wing, Zionist roots (Psa. 80:3; 119:37).
- Thank You for continuing to purge out the dross from Israel’s political scene (Isa. 1:25-26).
- Raise up the next generation of politicians to the ministerial positions that You have ordained for each of them (Psa. 75:6-7).
- Bless Israel with a government that will actually move together in unity (Psa. 133:1).
- Impart Your wisdom to the next government to know how to deal with the coronavirus and all the guidelines surrounding it (Prov. 2:1-9).
- We continue to ask You for a government that will keep the justice system in check, that will work towards seeing Israel become a righteous nation; that will have a heart for aliyah and absorption, that will be wise financially, that will see security as a priority; that has a biblical love for the land; and that will extend sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley (Psa. 115:1-3).
- Hedge in the Supreme Court and the Attorney General from their interfering in areas for which they were not elected (Num. 23:23).
- May the next government have the courage and wisdom to stand up to the US administration, the EU, the International Criminal Court, the UN and all of its very anti-Israel extensions (Psa. 118:10).
- Finally, and maybe most importantly, please Lord raise up government leaders who will be bold in using the Bible to affirm Israel’s right to the land (Isa. 55:11; Jer. 1:12).
Thank you for standing with Israel and with us during these very confusing – yet exciting – times.
Please pray for us to hear His voice as we both pray and write these prayer alerts.
Thank you in advance.
Shabbat shalom and blessings from Jerusalem
For the IFI team
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