- With everything that is happening in the world and in Israel at this time in history, it is good to praise the name of the Lord, the King of Israel – our Redeemer, Yeshua the Messiah.
- Lord, thank You for bringing us into Your kingdom at this time to celebrate Israel’s 70th birthday.
- We are thrilled to see You watch over Your prophetic Word and bring it to pass (Jer. 1:12).
- Israel is Your chosen nation and Jerusalem is Your city (Deut. 7:6-8; Psa. 46:1-2). Thank You that for Your holy name’s sake, You have restored both to the map of the world (Ezek. 36:23, 32).
- We bless You as we see You rebuilding Jerusalem and gathering together its outcasts (Psa. 147:2).
- Praise You for Your commitment to Your covenant-love that is displayed in Israel’s rebirth (Jer. 31:3).
- How great are You God; how great is Your name. You’re the greatest One, forever the same (Mal. 3:6).
- Thank You that since You live in eternity, You know what will happen before it takes place in time. So we rest secure in You, knowing that nothing takes You by surprise (Isa. 46:10).
- This past week, US President Trump dumped the Iran deal, while Israeli PM Netanyahu met with various foreign leaders, most significantly Russian President Putin. Paul encourages us to pray first of all for those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-3). Whether we like him or not, Trump is a major player on the world scene and because of this, and his friendship and influence on Israel, we pray for him,
- Lord, thank You for a president who despite all his flaws, is not deceived by Iran’s leadership and has pulled the US out of this wicked Iranian nuclear deal (Prov. 6:1-5; 11:15).
- Continue to use him to shake up all that You want shaken at this historic time (Hag. 2:6-7).
- Hedge Trump in when it comes to his peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians so that he does not look on this land as if it were just a real estate deal.
The land shall not be sold forever, for the land is Mine, and you are strangers and sojourners with Me. (Lev. 25:23)
- Hedge in Trump when it comes to his peace plan that he does not touch this city as if it were just another city.
For I will defend this city to save it for My own sake, and for My servant David’s sake. (Isa. 37:35)
- Lord Yeshua, why are all of Trump’s “Christian” advisors apparently not warning him of the dangers for America if he presses Israel to divide Your land or Your city (Prov. 27:6; Joel 3:1-2; Zech. 14:2-3)?
- Wake them up to their God-given duty to declare truth regardless (John 17:17; Gal. 4:16; 3 John 1:4).
- Continue to harden Palestinian hearts to totally reject any and all American plans (Ex. 14:17).
- PM Bibi Netanyahu continues to amaze us. He has energy and tenacity to fight for what is needed for Israel’s security, and he does not forget the lessons of history. We know our prayers are a factor in his ability to stand in the face of all the daily opposition he receives. We know this not because there is any power in our prayers – but because there is all power in the One who answers our prayers.
This is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us: and if we know He hear us…we know we have the requests that we desired of Him.
1 John 5:14-15
- Abba, continue to strengthen and protect his health and his mental and emotional stability (Psa. 80:17).
- Lift Bibi’s eyes to You and grant him grace to trust in You more and more (Psa. 121:1-8).
- Give him an ability to deal with both Trump and Putin as equals on the world stage, and not as a beggar pleading for favors (Psa. 5:8; 119:30, 98-100).
- Impart to Netanyahu godly discernment to know when he is being deceived by other world leaders or even by his own coalition partners (1 Kin. 3:9).
- Turn his heart in the direction of Your perfect will for Israel at this time (Prov. 19:21; 21:1).
- We also prayed for the rest of Israel’s leadership – both political and military.
- Thank You Lord for raising up some shepherds after Your own heart to lead Israel today (Jer. 23:3-4).
- Bring the military and the political leaders into a true unity concerning the Iranian threat (Judg. 20:11).
- Give them clarity to know what to do and when to do it (1 Chr. 12:32).
- As You have raised them up, anoint each for the task ordained for them (Isa. 45:4; Dan. 5:21b).
- Guard them from being distracted or confused by the enemy at this time (Psa. 71:1; 1 Cor. 14:33).
- Enable the IDF leadership to know what to do with all the intelligence that comes across their desks.
- Israel has been on high alert this week on its Golan border with Syria, expecting Iran to attempt a revenge attack for all the successful Israeli attacks against Iranian forces and weapons in Syria. Early Thursday morning Iran fired about two dozen missiles towards Israel. Apparently none landed in Israel or the Iron Dome shot them down. Israel’s response was disproportionate – for which we thank God! Let’s continue to cover this in prayer as the Iranians will not give up in trying to exact revenge.
- Lord Yeshua, Commander of heaven’s hosts, thank You for protecting Israel always (Psa. 121:4).
- We are very encouraged by the over-the-top response from the IDF as those who live in the Middle East know that it is only this kind of strong reaction that stops the neighborhood bullies from further bullying.
- King of Israel, as Israel becomes aware of attacks in advance, give to its leaders the courage to pre-empt.
- Continue to strengthen Israel’s leaders to hold to their red lines (1 Kin. 2:36-46; Matt. 5:37).
- Thank You for there being no injuries whatsoever on the Israeli side of the border (Psa. 91:3-8).
- Forbid Iran from establishing military bases or weapons depots in Syria and reveal all hidden bases or depots that Israel may not yet be aware of (Dan. 2:47).
- Since Israel is Your battle-axe and weapon of war, use the IDF to glorify Your name (Jer. 51:20-24).
- At the same time Lord, have mercy on many Syrians and draw them to Yourself (Psa. 83:16).
- Lord God, protect this nation supernaturally – especially when there is a lack in the IDF’s plans.
He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep [guard] him, as a shepherd does his flock. (Jer. 31:10).
- Iran may be boasting of its might, but reports of its internal situation reveals a nation that is in deep crisis in all areas of its existence. And with the US pulling out of the nuclear deal – it might get much worse quickly. Of course, if a nation’s leaders continually curse God’s nation – this is exactly what we expect to see. Unfortunately, both biblically and historically, the citizens are either under a blessing or a curse according to their leaders’ attitude towards God and His people.
- You are shaking Iran economically, socially, and physically. Encourage the people as they continue to rise up against their very wicked – and very wealthy – rulers (Prov. 22:16; Jam. 5:1-6).
- Cut off the roots of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard by drying up all their finances swiftly as the US reinstates sanctions against that nation (Isa. 14:30).
- Like You did with al-Sisi in Egypt, let Iran’s regular army rise up against the IRG as well (Psa. 129:5).
- Prepare the next generation of leaders for Iran and reinstate the good relationship that that nation had with Israel before the ayatollahs took over (Isa. 19:23-25).
- Abba, continue to save many Iranians, and set them free from their wicked leaders (Jer. 49:38).
- Thank You for the growing Iranian Body. Lead them in prayer for their government and show them how important it is to bless the nation of Israel (Num. 24:9).
- Lord Yeshua, send more laborers into the Iranian harvest today (Matt. 9:37-38).
- Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria have ordered their people to hold “days of rage,” starting today on the Gaza border and continuing during the celebrations over Jerusalem, the moving of the US Embassy up to that city, and Israel’s 70th anniversary. The Gaza border demonstrations are supposed to climax on Monday, when the US Embassy’s officially opened in Jerusalem, which is Israel’s anniversary. Yet these Palestinian temper tantrums reveal the immaturity of this people for the entire world to see. But as they can be deadly temper tantrums, we pray for protection.
- God, please help the IDF to know how to destroy the burning kites and helium filled balloon bombs that are being sent over the Gaza border (Psa. 144:1).
- Tell Your servant the Wind to blow in a westerly direction and blow these firebombs back on the heads of the perpetrators (Ge. 8:1; Ex. 10:13, 19; 14:21; Job 38:24; Psa. 78:26; 135:7; 148:8; Matt. 8:27).
- If there are going to be deaths during this time, we ask for mercy and we also trust that all lives are in Your hands (Prov. 11:19; 14:27; Eccl. 3:1-2) .
- During these days, keep the internal situation with the Palestinians and the Israeli Arabs, calmer than what Israeli security forces are expecting (Job 11:10; Psa. 69:24; Eccl. 7:9).
- Continue to confound all those who hate Zion (Psa. 35:4, 26; 70:2; 129:5).
- The US Embassy move and all the other events happening this next week are both exciting and also bring a tension to those of us living here. So this nation is in the need of much intercession.
- Bless You for answering prayer and having at least some nations recognize the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of the modern state of Israel.
- Please protect this city during this period of one celebration after another (Zech. 2:4-5).
- Lord, as You are a God of peace and not confusion, show this in Zion at this time (1 Cor. 14:33).
- Thank You for Jews and Christians rejoicing in the streets of Jerusalem once again (Jer. 33:10-11).
- Bless all those in the American Administration who had a part to play in this move (Gen. 12:3b).
- Spread Your covering defense over this nation in a visible manner (Isa. 4:5-6).
- Lord Yeshua, we declare to You,
Blessed is He that comes in the name of YHWH. (Psa. 118:26; Matt. 23:39) Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Yeshua. (Rev. 22:20b)
- Shavuot, aka Pentecost, will be May 20-21 in Israel this year. This is a significant time to pray for the outpouring of the Spirit of Messiah on many unsaved Jewish people and a fresh refilling of all those who are already part of His kingdom.
- Thank You Lord for building Your Body here in the resurrected land of Israel (Matt. 16:18).
- Please send more laborers into the harvest of Jewish souls – both in Israel and in exile (Matt. 9:37-38).
- Watch over and reap many of the seeds we have sowed over this past year (1 Cor. 3:6).
- Lord Yeshua, for the Body in Israel and in all other nations, we ask for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Be not drunk with wine…but be continually filled with the Spirit; (Eph. 5:18)
- Wake up the Body to discern the times we are living in (1 Chr. 12:32), and the wearing down of the saints that the enemy is pouring out on so many at this season (1 Thess. 5:1-6; Dan. 7:25).
- Finally, we ask you again to please pray for the future leadership of this ministry – those who will take the current leadership’s places and continue to stand in the gap for this nation and the glorification of the Lord Yeshua.
- Lord, You know who these future leaders are. Please show them clearly to the current leadership so that mentoring and discipleship can happen as needed (2 Tim. 2:1-2).
- We assume You want the ministry of IFI to continue after the current leaders are no longer able to lead. If that is not the case, please show us as we do not want to continue something that You are wanting to bring to a close (2 Tim. 4:6-7).
- Continue to supply all of IFI’s needs to do what You have called us to do: personnel, anointing, wisdom, physical space, finances, and outreach (Phil. 4:19).
- Lord, as a number of the IFI leaders are supposed to be traveling soon, please keep them in peace. With the current situation in Israel, only You know whether they will actually be able to leave or not – and if they go, their families and friends will remain behind (John 21:20-22).
- Enable them to hear Your voice and either go or stay at Your word (John 10:27).
We do so appreciate your consistent prayers for this nation and for those of us – both believers and not – who have been called to Israel today. There are times when we feel the heat of being in the place that God declares is His fire and furnace (Isa. 31:9b), and without your gracious intercession, it would be very easy to just up and leave.
Happy 70th anniversary Israel – give or take 3,000 years!
Blessings from Zion
The IFI team |
God bless and Amen