By Christine Darg
Jerusalem Channel
One of the greatest words of wisdom that I’ve ever heard is . . . if we maintain our good conscience, God will take care of our name and reputation.
Somebody wrote very angrily against the Jerusalem Channel that we are preaching Jesus as the Son of God and the way of salvation. That’s always a touchy issue when interacting with Jewish people, but the angry person was from a Roman Catholic background
Before the Lord ascended to heaven, he gave his followers the Great Commission five times— in all four Gospels and also in the Book of Acts.
He solemnly said,
“All authority has been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28: 18-20)
My friends, the world wants to contradict the Gospel. The world wants us to be politically correct. The world wants to silence us. But Jesus has never countermanded or changed the Great Commission.
Mass media, fake news and anti-Christian, anti-Semitic religious fanatics all tempt us to be discouraged by where the world is headed. I always try to explain why anti-Semitism persists, even after the horrors of the Holocaust. The Bible explains that the Jewish people will be continually attacked by satanic forces because the Evil One knows his time is short before the return of Jesus. Satan is determined to try to destroy the Jews and Israel, desperately hoping to prevent Jesus from returning. But of course, it’s impossible for Satan to annihilate God’s people or to stop God’s End-time program.
Meanwhile, we’re trying to raise children and grandchildren in the midst of the ungodly, bizarre, vexing and lawless atmosphere of the Last Days, but we must take heart that God’s truth will prevail in the end!
In the midst of all the degeneration and evil that’s being called good, what is our duty as believers? Our commission doesn’t change, no matter how much society changes and degrades.
We must be faithful to God’s Word and never be complicit with sin. Jesus said in Matthew 18: 7, “Alas! —Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble!” Jesus said stumbling blocks are inevitable in a world contaminated by sin, “but woe to the person through whom they come!”
Whether or not a believer or a Christian organization is obedient to God’s command to disassociate ourselves from sin will determine the vitality and authenticity of our spiritual life. Professing followers of the Lord who side with social pressure will become indistinguishable from the world. Just because something that goes against God’s precepts is “legal” in society doesn’t make it legal in God’s eyes. At one time segregation and slavery were legal. We must never use “legality” as a guide to morality.
So I’m challenging myself and you…. Is there enough evidence in our lives to convict us of being a true believer?
Those who refuse to compromise truth will suffer consequences at the hands of the world, but those who remain steadfast and obedient to God’s Word will shine as authentic believers.
We can only ask God for more grace that his light and love will shine brightly in us to be authentic while apostasy increases. The Hebrew for Christians website notes that the Greek word for “manifest” means to “shine inwardly,” indicating there’s an inward light of the Divine Presence within born-again believers. Indeed, the Hebrew word for “praise” (i.e., tehillah: תְּהִלָּה) comes from a verb (halal: הָלַל) that means “to shine,” from which we also derive the word “halo.” Similarly, the word “aura” comes from the Hebrew word “ohr” (אוֹר), meaning “light.”
Therefore Jesus taught in Matthew 5: 16 to let the inner light manifested within us to shine before others so that they may see our good works and give glory to our heavenly Father. Amen!
I believe in these Last Days, authentic believers will shine brighter and brighter as we reflect the Lord’s countenance!
The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up his countenance upon you and grant you shalom.
Numbers 6: 24-26
Shabbat Shalom!
So encouraging and edifying to the body of Jesus Christ/Yeshua, OUR SALVATION! Thank you, very timely.
Thank you so much for this enlightening article. I’m taking up your challenge of making the effort of being an effectual believer.
We need to periodically examine ourselves by re-surrendering our hearts to the
Lord. By letting Him shine His spotlight on our hearts and convicting us where we are lax, His loving correction will inspire spiritual growth.