Christine Darg in UAE in 1997
By Christine Darg
Jerusalem Channel
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) opened its embassy to Israel in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange building on Wednesday, marking a new phase in the growing relations between the children of Abraham.
In the 1990s, the Lord sent me on a prophetic mission to the UAE to loose the Arabian peninsula in prayer for his holy End-time purposes. While Bible prophecy foretells that the region will suffer a temporary deception by the anti-Messiah during the Great Tribulation, nevertheless Ishmael’s descendants will dwell peacefully in the presence of all his brethren (Genesis 16:12) during the Millennium. That is why the Abraham Accords foreshadow the closing of the Church Age and the soon-coming of the Prince of Peace to rule the region.
This week’s diplomatic coup in Israel follows last month’s opening of Israel’s embassy in Abu Dhabi and a consulate in Dubai, when Foreign Minister Yair Lapid visited the UAE.
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange was crowded with excited guests for the embassy opening, among them new Israeli President Isaac Herzog.
Several Palestinian factions condemned the ongoing Arab normalization with Israel as a “black and sad day.”

Father Abraham
Nevertheless, due to the momentum of the Abraham Accords, plans for a third Jewish Temple are increasing– and some Muslims are even daring to call for it!
“It is an undisputed fact of bible prophecy that there will be a rebuilt and functioning Third Jewish Temple during the time of Jacob’s trouble in Jerusalem after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church,” says Florida Bible teacher Geoffrey Grider. “We see this in multiple places in both the Old and New Testaments. Preterists think the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD fulfilled the Matthew 24 prophecy, but it did not.”
In a further departure from the Palestinian narrative, some Saudis recognize the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, according to Israel Today Magazine:
In recent months on Twitter, Saudis conducted a campaign promoting Islam’s holy sites, Mecca and Medina, while downplaying the importance of Jerusalem in their religion. A viral tweet was posted by Saudi cartoonist Fahd al-Jabiri, who wrote that “the direction of the prayers of the Jews is not important to us, what is important to us is only our homeland.” By referencing the “direction of the prayers of the Jews,” al-Jabiri implicitly recognized the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, thus contradicting the Palestinian narrative on the matter.
A flood of tweets expressed support and even love for Israel. Most were in Arabic, but the few in English were no less heart-warming.
For example, an English-language tweet by a man from Morocco named Ibtassam emphasized that the Temple Mount is of no particular importance to Muslims like himself, and he expressed hope that the Third Jewish Temple will soon be built.
Tom Nissani, head of the Temple Heritage Foundation, told Arutz 7 that this new mindset amongst Arabs is a golden opportunity. “In the end,” he said, “it is becoming increasingly clear that the main obstacle – the Temple Mount – is in our hands.”
Meanwhile, these signs point to the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior! There is no other time in history more urgent in calling people to put their trust in the Lord!
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