Jerusalem Channel
The shabbat before Passover is known as Shabbat HaGadol, the Great Sabbath. That is awesome to contemplate, but even more prophetic is the sabbath that occurs within Passover and Holy Week, known in Christianity by various names, such as Great Saturday and Holy Saturday.
The shabbat of Holy Week is also known as “Hallelujah Saturday” in Portugal and Brazil, “Glorious Saturday” in the Philippines, “Joyous Saturday” or “the Saturday of Light” among Coptic Christians in Egypt.
Because the concept of “the Great Sabbath” has already been appropriated within Judaism prior to Passover, I consider the sabbath during Passover when King Messiah lay in the tomb as. . . . a unique super Shabbat theologically.
Surely within Israel, when revelation of Messiah comes, it will be THE most PROFOUND and HOLY of all shabbats, the MOST HIGH SABBATH, remembering when the Redeemer lay in the grave, having COMPLETED the work of Atonement for time and eternity. On Holy Saturday, He also was active spiritually, having descended into Hades and preached in Hell (1 Peter 3: 18-20), conquering death.
This revelation of the holy super Shabbat is a matter of prophetic prayer, and because we cannot meet again in Israel this year due to ongoing restrictions, you are invited to apply to attend an exclusive and limited Zoom meeting entitled “Holy Saturday/Shabbat During Passover,” a limited on-line event in lieu of our 23rd Passover Convocation.
We have been coordinating with our Israeli tour agent Yair Mazur in Israel, who will bring a teaching, and I’ll be leading in prayer.
When: Saturday April 3, 2021
If you would like to participate, please tell us about yourself and send an enquiry to [email protected]. Please also respect our Zoom protocol to speak and pray only when called upon.
Am I too late to Register.? I think you will remember me.
My friend Eileen Ryder is now 101.years old and in a good Nursing Home .. Sadly she now has dementia.
Shalom Love and Blessings to you all